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This is one of the biggest female issues recently. There is no such thing as the "perfect women", yet we are all still striving to become this mysterious being. Many media outlets have spoken about about why women have this self-esteem issue, but hardly anyone tells you how to fix the problem within yourself.

As someone who's struggled with this my entire life, I can honestly say I've found something that helps. I'm not going to say I never get down on myself and I now think I am the best thing to walk on earth.. But a lot of the time I do think I'm a pretty awesome person. And that is a great feeling. You'd think it'd be natural, and it really should be, but sadly I think humans as a whole are lacking in the self-love department.

Lifting, and exercise in general, does something amazing for your self-esteem. You see yourself in a different light. You look at everything you've done and accomplished (every workout counts as an accomplishment) and realize how incredible you are. Every challenging exercise, or heavy lift, or intense workout comes with this sense of empowerment. This sense that no matter what else happens today, I’m a badass and everyone should know it. I wish every female felt this way all of the time and not only after having a great workout.

We are all awesome, cool, strong, brave and beautiful females. All in different ways I'm sure, but we really are. Go through that list.. What makes you awesome? Are you a loving mom, a caring friend, a great employee, a thoughtful spouse, etc.? What makes you cool? What makes you strong, brave and beautiful? There are parts of ourselves we may not appreciate yet, but go through this list and’re flipping remarkable. Self-love and self-esteem are both easy things to find if you look in the right place. Get out there, go throw some weights around, go for a run, go find something that empowers you and makes you feel badass. Go do it, and remember to stop and think of how awesome, cool, strong, brave, and beautiful you are. Cause you may not know it right now or remember it all of the time, but you are.

Until next time,


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