Finding the Right Gym For You (5 Things to Look For)
Some people hop from club to club looking for the perfect one to spend their evening... this is what I do with gyms 😇. Whether you are...
Social Media Makes me Feel like a Failure
I hate how much power I give social media. I let it control my emotions and make me feel bad about myself. I've been working on growing...
Stop and Smell the Roses
Do you know this saying? Of course you do, everyone's heard it! By now, it's just a frequent saying that gets thrown around every now...
Stretch Marks
Do stretch marks mean you're fat? I have been dealing with stretch marks since 7th grade. I immediately assumed it meant I was fat. (To...
The struggle is real
I don't know if I'm “allowed” to talk about this stuff, since it's not completely fitness related. But I've been struggling lately. ...
Nothing comes easy
Most people have found something that just comes easy to them and they're great at it. I still have yet to find my "thing". Which means...
SBD... Squat, bench, deadlift. These are commonly known as the "Big 3" lifts. This is because, in powerlifting, these are the 3 lifts...
A look inside a gym bag
Have you ever wondered what you should pack into your gym bag? I remember when I first started lifting I had no idea what I would need. ...
Failure is hard. There's no way to get past it. It's something that happens to everyone. Knowing this doesn't help the feeling when it...
Sauna Benefits
Ever tried out the sauna? Yes, it may be ridiculously hot and a little difficult to breath.. but it's so beneficial for your health and...