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Nothing comes easy

    Most people have found something that just comes easy to them and they're great at it.  I still have yet to find my "thing".  Which means that everything has taken a lot of work.  From school to sports to lifting, I've worked ridiculously hard at life.  Aaaand all that hard work still hasn't brought me to where I want to be yet, but that's not going to stop me.

   In school my brain didn't automatically remember what we learned during class.  If I never studied or did my work, I completely would have failed.  During undergrad I did everything possible to make sure I did well.  I took notes, I read the chapters, I did the quizzes in the book, I went to the study sessions(if offered), I set up meetings with professors if I needed even more help.  Even with all of this, I still didn't get straight As.  I ended up with a GPA around 3.2 I believe (I wish I did better in a couple of classes).  But the funny thing is... one of my professors wrote me a really nice email about how impressed he was with me in his class and offered to write me a recommendation for grad school. Keep in mind I got a "B" in his class (Biochem).  So, just because I wasn't getting the results I worked so hard for, all my work was noticed and was respected.  This is what I strive for.

   I played basketball throughout high school. Granted I mainly "played" during practice since I hardly ever played in games.  I, honestly, just wasn't good.  My feet weren't quick enough on defense, and I knew it. I had a decent shot and I was pretty good at finding open teammates. Buut you need to be able to play defense also! My coach started offering pluometrics training 3 days a week before school started. I went to every single one of them. I was determined to get better and be able to play in the games.  Fast forward to the end of the season... I had improved a little bit, but not enough to play any more often.  I even ended up getting the "coaches award" because I worked so hard.  Maaybe if I had another 2 years playing I would have become a really good player.  Buuuut once again... I worked really hard, I didn't get the result I wanted, but the work was noticed and respected.  

    Fast-forward to today... I've got a new job, studying for the GREs, and trying to get stronger in hopes of becoming a powerlifter.  These 3 things are incredibly difficult to me, especially together.  

    Well, my new job... a job I've always wanted (working in a genetics department working on cancer research) is a lot to learn.  I've been working here about 6 months and still am trying to perfect the new techniques I've learned.  My supervisor and I work closely on different projects, and sometimes I'm unaware of where we are on the project that week.  I have learned though, that sometimes you've gotta ask the stupid questions.  To make sure I know where we are and that I can learn to the fullest you have to ask questions that will make you feel stupid.  For instance, I'm awful at reading scientific literature.  I get super distracted and end up reading the same paragraph for 30 min trying to understand it.  I asked my supervisor if we can work on this and possibly have a "journal club" every week. He said it's usually for undergrads but we can do it.  Whiiiich made me feel stupid, but hey... I'm getting what I wanted! I'm going to learn an efficient way to read scientific papers, a skill I can use forever, so it's a win!

 On top of my new job I've finally decided to begin studying for the GREs. I've always wanted and planned to go to graduate school but I've been putting it off because of the GREs (Graduated Record Exam).  This test is pretty much like the SAT that you take after high school to get into undergrad school but it's about all the information you learn in undergrad to get into grad school.  I'm terrified to taking this test. It's super intimdating to me that this test is so important for my future.  Sooo, I realized I've just gotta start studying and take the damn thing. Hopefully the hard work of studying for this will pay off and I'll get into the grad school of my choice! (I'll keep you updated)

    Last and most importantly.... lifting!  I don't know if this is an excuse or an explanation but I feel like powerlifting has also come super hard to me.  Some people are just naturally strong and can gain numbers in their lifts pretty quick. I feel like I'm not one of those people. I've been trying so hard to get stronger and increase my PRs but it's not going all that well.  I would still consider myself a beginner powerlifter... which means I should be making gains pretty quickly.  Buuut, this is not going to deter me! It may take me twice as long as normal lifters, but I'm going to do as much research as possible to do the most efficient program, and get there!  I love lifting and I have goals in mind, and I will get there, no matter how long it takes!

   Yikes, sorry this is so long! To summarize this.... don't feel bad if things don't come naturally to you.  I'm right there with you!  Work hard and do everything possible to help you get there.  Go the extra mile.  Even if you don't get the results as quickly, good things will happen.  

    Work hard and be someone others can respect.  That's the type of person I want to be known for.  



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