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Truth Time

As you may have noticed I haven't been very up-to-date with this blog... As my last post was balance, it's kind of ironic. But I WAS balancing my life. I was putting my schooling and the times with friends and family first. Which is why I haven't posted in ages, so my apologies! Now that my classes are over with I will be sure to post more :)

I decided I needed to post after this last couple of weeks. The truth is, I have been completely off my game when it comes to exercise and nutrition the past couple of weeks. With my gym membership expiring, the 4th of July celebrations, celebrating my birthday, and all of the craziness I haven't had time to find a new gym or to prep any meals! My first reaction to this is to get really down on myself. I get so frustrated and angry. I should be able to find time to get to the gym. I should figure something out to eat healthier. But ya know what? Life happens. Things get in the way of our beautifully laid out plans and there's nothing we can do about it. Yeah, I had an off couple of weeks, but I also had a lot of fun. And just because I didn't get into the gym doesn't mean I wasn't active. I walked, ran, helped cut down a tree, kayaked, tubed (good bicep workout!), etc. Even though I did get a tad bit of exercise in, I still really miss lifting, but it's because it's something I really enjoy doing! I'm glad I found something that I enjoy so much that I miss it if I take a few weeks off. I hope everyone has that thing, that hobby, that happy place. This doesn't have to be (and isn't) lifting for most people, but just make sure you have one and make sure you appreciate it.

I'm not happy that I get so mean to myself when something gets in the way of my plans or I don't do exactly what I should be doing. We all hold ourselves to such a high standard, it's ridiculous! Would you hold anyone else to that standard? Would you say all of those mean things that you're saying yourself to anyone else? No, you wouldn't! So why do you deserve it? We all need to let ourselves off the hook every once in awhile. I had a "not up to my standards" last couple of weeks...But that doesn't mean that I can't get right back into it and kick butt! And that's exactly what I plan on doing. Hi-yaaaaa!

Now that life has slowed down a little bit I was able to meal prep for this week, find a temporary gym, and start feeling a little more like myself. I've gotta tell ya, my body did not like me going rogue on my healthy habits. It's crazy how much a body can change depending on the food you put into it. I'm back to healthy eating today and my body is already loving it [enter mcdonalds theme music here ;)]! It took a couple of weeks off for me to really notice that I'm doing something right and to actually miss the feeling of being healthy and being good to my body. It's not all about looks, sometimes it's truly about helping your body at the cellular level.

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