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Strength Training Program

Well, tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow I start my first ever training program. I’m both excited and nervous. I’m excited to finally have a set schedule and a plan without even having to think about it. But, I’m also nervous because I’ve never done a program before.. I’ve always just done whatever I wanted. If I didn’t feel like doing a certain exercise, I skipped it that day. Doing a specific program means I need to do exactly what it says to come out of it stronger than ever. So, what program am I going to follow you may ask… well, I asked a strong instagram friend (@bexmarie711) what she was doing to gain strength and she told me about this program. It’s from Juggernaut Training, and it’s free! I’ve heard of Juggernaut in the past and even subscribe to their newsletter, but never thought of following a program. When I noticed how strong she was getting, I knew she was doing something right.

As 2016 ended, I realized I needed to make a decision. For a long time I have been in limbo between powerlifting and bodybuilding--which I saw @cutekatiebug refer to as “powerbuilding”. I want to be strong but I’ve been mostly doing accessory work to try and gain muscle/lose fat. When I was thinking about my 2017 goals, I decided that I wanted to work on my strength. The first step to getting strong this year is starting a strength training program! Another step, later in the year, will be competing in a powerlifting competition! This program is 4 days lifting, 2 days cardio for 12 weeks total. After I complete the program I hope to have all new 1 rep maxes. I’ll then decide if I want to do the same program, find another program, or look into a competition.

A lot of people don’t really understand w12hy I interested in being strong (mostly guys). Guys understand if you go to the gym to work on your physique, they can definitely appreciate that. But when you want to become strong, it’s different. “Why would you want to be strong? That’s a guy thing.” I’m not talking about any guys in particular saying these words. Just in general. But, being strong isn’t just for guys. Being strong is a feeling that everyone should feel in their life. It’s seeing what your mind and body can do when you push yourself. Strength does amazing things for your confidence too. You feel good about yourself when you’re strong. When you continue to increase your strength, you’re better than who you were yesterday. You become happy with yourself, and who you are. Bodybuilders look strong, they have low BF %, and you can see every muscle in their body. Many of them also can lift heavy weight, but not all of them. Powerlifting doesn’t focus on what your body looks like, but what you can lift. Again, some powerliftings are very fit with low body fat percentages….but that’s not what matters. At a competition you’re not being judged about what you look like, it’s not superficial. Powerlifting competitions are straightforward. They judge you on your ability to bench, deadlift, and squat. You either get the lift, or you don’t. I’m not crapping on bikini competitions. I know those competitors work their damn ass off. They work so hard in and out of the gym, and their bodies show it. A lot of people love these competitions and do them again and again for their entire life. They’re doing something they love. It’s just not something I’m interested in. I’m interested in testing my strength! :)

So, I start Monday! Luckily, I have an awesome amazing friend that agreed to try the program with me. Sadly, we live in different states. But we can at least keep each other motivated through check-ins! I’ll keep you all updated on how it’s going through my Instagram too! I guess the first step will be to loosen up my weight-lifting belt- since it doesn’t fit me anymore :(. But, here’s to strength! May each of us work towards it, and also find it within ourselves.




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