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Featured Review

Women Should Support Women

Why is it that when I see another woman lifting in the gym, 50% of the time, she looks at me in disgust? Why isn’t she proud to see another women in the gym working towards her goals of getting strong? Why isn’t she smiling and cheering me on? We’re not in competition. We can both be strong.

Now, don’t get me wrong.. There are plenty of women who do smile and cheer me on (not literally). But there are always a couple of women who just give me the stink eye. I’m not sure if they’re afraid I’ll steal the weights from them...if they’re competing in body/figure and think I am also? I’m really not sure why anyone would have the reason to be so cold to someone else in the gym. We’re all there to work on the same thing. Ourselves. Let alone, how uncommon it is to see a woman lifting (becoming more common now-thank gosh). We should each get excited about seeing one of our “sisters” lifting weights, getting strong and feeling confident. When I see a women who can lift more than me, I don’t get jealous.. I get inspired! Damn, that girl is much smaller than me and can lift more than me! One day I hope to lift that much too! Or one day I saw a girl doing pull-ups (unassisted) and was in awe of her strength. I went up to her later-when I got the courage- and asked her for advice on learning to do BW pull-ups. She was super supportive and helpful! These are the girls we need to be like. We need to be supportive of one another. I may not be as fit as others, or as strong as others, but heck..I’m in the gym trying at least, aren’t I?!

Let’s realize that each woman we see in the gym lifting is someone who is gaining strength, confidence, and a love for bettering herself. Let’s realize that if someone was just starting out in the gym, learning to lift, and was treated as I have been at times by other women...They may never want to come back. They may be so intimidated that they give up. This is not what we want or need. We need to help these women. Give them advice, give them inspiration. We all were beginners once. Just because you’ve been training for years doesn’t mean you’re better than them. The only difference is you started years ahead of them.

So, how about instead of looking down at other women in the gym, or thinking you’re better than them, we support them. Let’s make a deal that we will all support each other. Inside and outside of the gym. Give help where help is needed, and be kind to each other. We want each other to continue finding strength in the gym and inside ourselves. So let’s help one another out and get fricken strong!

Let’s be stronger together.



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